Posts tagged film festival
A Perfectly Normal Family - REVIEW - Sydney Film Festival 2020

A Perfectly Normal Family is the story of 11-year-old Emma whose perfectly “normal” family is turned upside down when her father comes out as transgender. The film was based on debut feature director Malou Reymann’s real-life experiences with her own father as a child and seeks to tell a personal story of a family navigating this change together.

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The Deposit - REVIEW - Sydney Film Festival 2019

In today’s media landscape, the concept of immigration fear is prevalent, particularly in Australia. In Iceland, this issue has only recently bubbled to the surface and as such Ásthildur Kjartansdóttir’s feature film debut, The Deposit, is one of the only ones in the country to bring it to the forefront of discussion.

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Rafiki & The Miseducation of Cameron Post - REVIEW - Sydney Film Festival 2018

I honestly didn't consciously choose to see two lesbian films in my Sydney Film Festival viewings, but I'm glad that it worked out that way. Both Rafiki directed by Wanuri Kahiu and The Miseducation of Cameron Post directed by Desiree Akhavan were new stories that I had not experienced before.

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