The Women's Direction

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Rafiki & The Miseducation of Cameron Post - REVIEW - Sydney Film Festival 2018

I honestly didn't consciously choose to see two lesbian films in my Sydney Film Festival viewings, but I'm glad that it worked out that way. Both Rafiki directed by Wanuri Kahiu and The Miseducation of Cameron Post directed by Desiree Akhavan were new stories that I had not experienced before. I will preface this post by stating the fact that I am a straight white woman and so come at both of these films with that lens.

RAFIKI - Directed by Wanuri Kahiu

It was new to me to see a romantic relationship presented on-screen between two women so intimately and passionately as the two main girls in Rafiki. The story played out like a classic tale of forbidden love, both girls being daughters of two rival political candidates in a society where homosexuality is heavily frowned upon. Whilst I wouldn't say the story was necessarily original in terms of the overarching plot (think Romeo & Juliet), the location where it was set and the fact that the lovers were two women instead of male and female and the implications of that gave it enough of a refresh to keep me thoroughly engaged. Plus the slower pace gave the audience more time to really connect with both Kena & Ziki and therefore want to follow them on their journey.

The stunning cinematography made it a feast for the eyes and the film’s killer soundtrack I haven't stopped listening to since. All around Rafiki made me feel good, and I left wanting to race home to hug my partner and never let them go. Even though the negative impact of homophobia was definitely present in the film the overall message was of love and hope.

The film was sent to Cannes but after being banned in Kenya due to its pro-homosexuality message the filmmakers were not able to attend the festival. Director Wanuri Kahiu was extremely disappointed by the ban saying, “We believe adult Kenyans are mature and discerning enough to watch local content but their right has been denied” [1]. Unfortunately under British colonial-era laws homosexuality still remains illegal in Kenya. This film is important in working to shift what the definition of love is for those who still see homosexuality as wrong. I would encourage people to see this film, if you can, and get swept up in this beautifully tragic love story.


The Miseducation Of Cameron Post was a very different film. I don't know whether I necessarily enjoyed it to be perfectly honest. There were elements that I appreciated such as the great camera work and impressive performances from the cast. I think it was mainly the tone of the film, which pitched itself as a comedy, yet ultimately left me feeling like they were trying too hard.

The story follows Cameron, a 16-year-old girl who is caught cheating on her boyfriend with another girl, a relationship that has been developing for some time in the background. Afterwards, she is sent to a Christian behavioural correction camp where she will be cured of her SSA (same-sex attraction). What follows is a series of therapy sessions with the hardcore leader of the camp, who says some pretty despicable things for a 21st-century LGBTQI audience to hear. But she eventually makes friends with two other SSA-diseased peers at the camp and soon learns not to take it all that seriously.

Where the story struggles is in its want to be taken seriously yet presenting everything like a joke. There are instances of abuse both physical and mental, we see Cameron struggle with what may or may not be wrong with her and then it’s all swiftly followed by hammed-up scenes like the intervention from Cameron's roommate when she is caught trying to steal a tape. In a film about struggling with identity the film sure follows suit. I understand Drama films having elements of comedy, life is light and shade after all, but just when the film starts to get into the true grit of the story it backs out and throws a light-hearted joke in.

I don't one-bit regret seeing this film because it was different to what I have seen explored in cinema up until this point. It took a subject that I haven't had much to do with and made me think about it. So I am glad about that. I do watch a lot of movies that follow the same kind of plot lines with the same kind of characters and this was, for all intents and purposes, different for me.

In a world where women are struggling so hard to make a change to the way the industry works, being able to see two films that dramatically shifted the media landscape that I have been exposed to was refreshing, inspiring and left me feeling just like I did at the end of Rafiki; hopeful.

I honestly can't wait til next year.



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